Feeling ready for the US nationals

This week has been all over the place for me. Monday and Tuesday were spent doing boatwork in Toronto, Wednesday and Thursday were spent visiting my extended family in Kitchner and London, on Friday I drove down to New Jersey and today, Saturday, I finally got to go sailing.

Ever since last year at the Canadian Youth Nationals, where a tiny oversight on my part resulted in an equipment failure, ending any chances that I had of winning the regatta, keeping my equipment in perfect condition has been a very high priority. Sometimes this means that I have to forsake a couple of days of training to maintain my equipment. I hate missing opportunities to train but looking at the big picture, the potential losses from even a small equipment failure are so massive that a couple of training days seems like an acceptable price to pay to minimize those risks. 

Over the course of the week, I have also been following our Canadian team competing at the Pan American games. It has been incredible to see so many extraordinary Canadian athletes accomplishing such great results in so many different sports. It has left me energized, inspired and driven to achieve some results of my own.

I am currently in New Jersey preparing for the U.S. Nationals that begin on Tuesday. Check back next week to find out how it went or take a look at my Facebook page for updates: www.facebook.com/karimlasersailing.


Thanks for reading and until next week,



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