US Nationals recap
This week, I competed in the Laser U.S. Nationals at the Brant Beach Yacht Club in New Jersey. Although I finished 16th out of the 135 competitors, a much worse result than I believe that I am capable of, the regatta was still a success.
This regatta was targeted as a sort of “lead-up” event; an opportunity for me to build confidence, as well as identify any final areas that I need to work on before my peak event of the year, the Canadian Youth Nationals (I have to be the top Canadian at the youth nationals to qualify to represent Canada at the ISAF Youth Worlds). Over the last year, with the help of my coaches, we have completely invigorated the way that I sail the boat and totally restructured the way that I make tactical and strategic decisions on the racecourse. Until now, I had yet to execute all of these new skills at the same time and get good results in a big, competitive fleet. On the first day of the regatta, I went out and executed the things that I have been trained to do and it was amazing. After the first five races, I was in second place in the overall standings. Unfortunately, after this, I relapsed into the way that I used to sail. I had some bad starts, took some unnecessary risk and allowed my emotions to influence my decision-making. Nonetheless, on that first day, I sailed at a level that I have never sailed before and that was really exciting to see. Arguably, one of the most important attributes that you can have when it comes down to performing under pressure is confidence. Coming out of this regatta, there is zero doubt in my mind that if I execute the things that I have been trained to do, I will be successful. This newfound confidence is why I consider this regatta a success.
Now, I am in Kingston, Ontario, the venue where the Canadian Youth Nationals will be held to put in some final training and venue preparations. Stay tuned for updates over the next few weeks.
Thanks for reading and until next week,